About Me

Hi I am Sarah Louise and this is my lifestyle, travel and everything in between blog. 

About my Blog

There are different aspects to my blog. Their will be lifestyle posts about where I have been travelling, restaurant recommendations and recipes, outfit of the day posts, fashion and style posts, tags and anything that I want to talk about will also be appearing on this blog. 
Everything that I feature on this blog I will always give my honest recommendation and I will only suggest that you go somewhere if I truly loved it and I had an amazing experience.   

Who is the girl behind the blog?

I grew up in Hackney with my mum, my auntie and my Nan. I then moved to Westminster so I could be closer to my school and my mum had always worked in Westminster but we was always came back to visit my childhood home. My favourite hobbies as a child was reading and I was a massive bookworm (which I still am); and I was always writing my own stories based on the ones that I loved to read. Another favourite hobby of mine was swimming and family friends in Wales taught me how to swim by pulling me around by my ponytail and throwing me in! 

My Love for travelling

As a child my mum would always take me to Tenerife and Wales and I always have very happy memories of those 2 places as I would always go every year. As I got older my love of travelling has definitely grown and I have so many places that I would love to travel too. I have travelled to France, Budapest, Majorca, Florida and I took my boyfriend to Tenerife and I went on a girls holiday here too. I always love to look at holidays and plan my next trip away. I will be posting my latest adventures on here when I go away so keep an eye out for those. 

Meeting the Love of my Life

I met my boyfriend in December 2011 at a house party where he walked in with a kebab and spilt beer down me but little did I know that it would be 4 years later and I have met the love of my life. 

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